What is your desire?

What do you want ? Say it out loud , and follow the steps and the dream will come true. If it doesn’t come the way you’re expecting that’s okay, it takes time for plans to grow just like it takes time for plants to grow, most things that happen over night don’t last forever and most things that last forever weren’t found over night.


In the world we live in today it’s safe to say that you don’t have to necessarily go out and get a job that requires you to leave home. Whether you want to grind it out and seriously dedicate yourself to making multiple streams of income online or just do it a little bit here and there when you are bored it’s definitely an option in 2020 especially if you’re quarantined!

I’m going to give you a few of the more popular ways that people find easy ways to make some extra cash for their wallet.


Most of everyone that i can think of has stuff laying around their house that they don’t really wanna call trash but the attachments that were once there seem to have faded. These items that seem to have lost your interest and are taking up space, could also be holding a value you didn’t realize. Go through some of your stuff and decide what you wouldn’t mind getting rid of! After deciding what to keep and what to get rid you’re gonna want to go online and see what people are selling them for price wise , it’s demand, and compare conditioning of the products . Now that you have a good idea of what you have to get rid of and how much it’s worth to consumers, you have to decide where you’d like to choose and sell it at (ebay, amazon, mercari, even facebook marketplace are pretty popular examples). The company will have a small amount of your sale it will keep but the majority will go back to you and BOOM, money in hand . Before selling and shipping or meeting if close enough try and make sure you have it cleaned up and secured. Remember this isn’t to get you rich quick but it’s definitely a promising passive income! Put the profits you made from the first run and see what bargains you could possibly flip! May just find your niche ! Your potential is endless , don’t let it slip away! And always take pride in what you do and set the bar.